
Metaphorically speaking, what’s more interesting to see? A brand new Lamborghini straight off the lot in perfect condition or a Lambo that has just crashed into a wall and burst into flames? I’m taking option B.


What I mean is…You can go into any factory in Asia and get perfectly cut and sewn garments(most brands do). Every line will be straight, every image will be perfectly centered, and the wash will be impeccable. Additionally, They do wonderful work at half the cost and speed of 10 years ago. That just means they are going to make a whole lot of that shit.


However, when I create, my lines are not perfectly straight. My images are not placed perfectly with AI and then cut and sewn on with machines.


This is intentional.


This is by hand.


This is slow.


Each and every garment is different. I’ve tried to break everything about a shirt’s graphic design and re-invent.


In a very real way I want to break people. I want them to look past the perfection that machines have made for us. I want people to return to prioritizing human hands. There is so much value in being reminded of what your very own hands can create.


Fight the robots. Be John Henry and die beating the machines. That’s the future. My work is not effortless. It is driven by effort.


Very soon destroying Luxury will be the new Luxury. Drive off the lot and crash immediately. But, this isn’t for everyone. Only participate if you can afford to. If you can’t participate, stay humble. If you can’t make participate, Destroy nothing and stay the same as everyone else.


Either way, I’ll see you in the flames 🔥


Be safe



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